Statement: Trump Administration Weakens Key Standards under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

July 15, 2020 – As the country grapples with COVID-19, the Trump Administration announced a new final rule for the NEPA, the law that requires federal agencies to review and diagnose environmental, economic, social, or health impacts of all federal projects before construction begins. HECHO Executive Director Camilla Simon released the following statement:  

“For 50 years, NEPA has provided a process for public input and environmental impact review, which the Trump Administration has, incorrectly, dismissed as red tape for corporate polluters. In reality, NEPA protects people, communities, and our democracy. The changes to NEPA standards are dangerous for people and further exacerbates public health challenges by allowing polluting projects to be fast-tracked. These rollbacks harm communities of color, who already experience disproportionate impacts as it relates to pollution and climate change.”