Statement: Outdoor Restoration Partnership Act Elevates Restoration and Conservation

April 20, 2021 -- This week, Senator Michael Bennet (D. Colo.) introduced the Outdoor Restoration Partnership Act that prioritizes forest restoration, watershed conservation, and would support jobs in the outdoors. 

The Outdoor Restoration Partnership Act would create a $60 billion outdoor restoration fund, from which two major programs would emerge, the Restoration and Resilience grant program, and the Restoration and Resilience Partnership.  

The Restoration and Resilience grant program’s purpose is to increase state, local, and tribal capacity for restoration projects, supporting locally-led efforts to reduce wildfire risk, improve forests and watersheds, and expand equitable access to the outdoors. The purpose of the Restoration and Resilience Partnership is to closely collaborate with states to create jobs in the outdoors, reducing the backlog of restoration and resilience projects on federal and non-federal land.  

“Hispanics are a people deeply connected to the land, and this bill is a step in the right direction to ensure that our public lands and watersheds continue to thrive for future generations to enjoy,” said Camilla Simon, Executive Director of Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and the Outdoors (HECHO). “As caretakers of the land, we are proud to support this legislation, and look forward to see it enacted into law.”