Statement: Arizona Proclamation for HECHO

On Monday, March 28th, members of HECHO’s staff, Advisory Board, and Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC) were pleased to be in attendance at the Arizona Capital as a proclamation was read on both the House and Senate floors honoring the efforts Hispanics in land and water conservation efforts in Arizona. Representative César Chávez and Senator Rosanna Gabaldon, both members of HECHO’s HCLC, read the Resolutions in their respective chambers.

HECHO is proud to be leading the effort to galvanize grasstop leaders throughout the southwest to act on land and water conservation policies that disproportionately affect our communities.

“THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Arizona’s Hispanic leaders will help elevate the vital importance of promoting Hispanic culture, traditions, and perspectives in strengthening the advancement of the conservation of public lands and waters for future generations, and that Hispanic leaders ensure cultural and traditional uses of the land and that they are included in decisions about public lands.”