Press Release: Practicing cultural traditions on public lands safely should be right for all vs. privilege for few

Contact: Amy Dominguez, Communications Coordinator, HECHO, (303) 441-5146, 

Albuquerque, New Mexico (December 27, 2020) -- Following the holiday at Petroglyph National Monument, a Navajo and Oneida man named Darrell House was repeatedly tased by a National Park Service ranger for stepping off-trail to maintain social distancing protocols when he noticed a crowd walking in his direction.  

The site plays an important role for Indigenous people, and was designated after Native American activists sought to protect the stone carvings from vandalism and land development. House visited the national monument to pray before the petroglyphs, and to collect earth for ceremonies.  

Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and the Outdoors (HECHO) condemns the attack, and upholds that parks must be safe for Indigenous community members.  

 In 1906, the Antiquities Act was passed which allows for the designation of National Monuments to be created with the intended purpose of preserving Native American culture and structures. It recognizes the importance these lands have for Indigenous peoples, and in turn, protects them from commercial development. In fact, recently, special efforts have been made to include Native tribes in the designation process, and management of the monuments. This makes the assault House experienced particularly unjust. 

Indigenous communities must be able to visit lands with deep cultural significance without fear of violence. Enjoying and practicing centuries-old cultural traditions on public lands without fear of repercussion should be a right for all, versus a privilege for few. To continue to build upon our strong connections to these diverse landscapes, parks must prioritize equity and inclusion, and strive to ensure that Indigenous people always feel safe in these spaces. 

HECHO supports the outspoken calls for a full investigation of National Park Service actions. 
