Blog: Interior takes a bold step towards balanced public lands management

Today, the Interior Department revealed a strategy that takes a smarter, proactive approach to energy development. A road map for Interior Secretary Jewell’s first Secretarial Order and first major action on conservation, the mitigation strategy will lead to better protection for fish, wildlife, water, farming and ranching, and landscapes across the West.


As major stakeholders in the West, Latinos who recreate, practice traditional uses and live on these lands should have the opportunity to participate in the process. When we look across the landscape, we know of potential impacts to other resources and uses, we can recognize problems before they start. We can help determine the right and the wrong places to drill.  This approach will help agencies protect public lands, and promote diverse economies that foster energy development alongside agriculture and outdoor recreation.

This common sense approach by Sec. Jewell is welcomed news. Avoiding problems before they start is a smart way to protect landowners where the federal government owns the oil and gas deposits beneath their land. We also appreciate Secretary Jewell’s commitment to invest in efforts by farmers to conserve wildlife habitat on their lands. The mitigation strategy is a smart way to help protect farming and ranching traditions and bring a more balanced approach to energy development.