Liz Archuleta talks about why HECHO was created.

In September 2013, HECHO was created to elevate Hispanic voices in conservation policy. Environmental and conservation groups were missing a wide range of voices back then. But progress has been made, and HECHO is proud to have contributed to that needed change.

"Querencia, love for the land, and herencia, honoring our heritage. That's what HECHO is about. Latinos have been stewards of our land for generations and generations. We haven't lost sight of that. We are conservation-minded. I can see that HECHO's future is going to be very bright as long as it still holds true to those values," says Liz Archuleta. one of the founding board members of HECHO.

Do you want to learn more about how the idea of HECHO came up and how it evolved to what it is today?

Watch this video!