#MyGrandCanyonStory | Theresa Huereña

HECHO spoke with Theresa Huereña of Phoenix, Arizona to learn about her personal connection to the Grand Canyon, her favorite memories there, and why she believes the Grand Canyon should be protected from uranium mining.  

HECHO: What is your personal connection to the Grand Canyon?  

Theresa Huereña (TH): My personal connection to the Grand Canyon is that it is in my backyard. I've experienced it through visiting with school groups or work, and it's just a beautiful place to visit.   

HECHO: Why do you believe that the Grand Canyon should be protected?  

TH: The Grand Canyon should be protected is because it is such a majestic beauty and the fact that so many people visit the canyon and so many people live within the canyon. It's something that is there and we should just take in its beauty.   

HECHO: Why do you advocate for the Grand Canyon?  

TH: I advocate for the Grand Canyon because it provides jobs for people. People live within the Canyon, so it's part of our backyard. I mean, it's a natural beauty that is just there and the fact that people live there, it's home to some of the Indian tribes and it is just a beautiful place.   

HECHO: What are your plans for your next visit?  

TH: It's been years since I visited the canyon, but I would love to visit the canyon. It could be a small hike down into the canyon or just going to El Tovar and having a nice dinner with the views there. Hopefully someday I can even take someone who has never been to the canyon. I have not done any hiking in a long time, since I was young, but I've done like the train ride and helicopter ride. I have done the skywalk and those are benefits from working at the visitor's center. So, it was kind of a perk that we got to experience those things.   

HECHO: What tips would you share for people visiting?  

TH: I would definitely recommend hiking, but you are going to need the permit to go hiking down into the canyon. I would definitely not go during the summertime cause the temperatures can reach up to the three digits. I would say go totally off season. The North Rim of the canyon is probably the least visited part of the canyon and it is beautiful up there. I would just try to see when is the best time to go when it is not busy.   

HECHO: What are your thoughts about the administration’s policy aiming to open up the Grand Canyon watershed for uranium mining?  

TH: I think it is sad that they want to open because of their uranium getting into the water. Like I said, for people living there, it will affect their health and it is something that shouldn't be there. I think that it disturbs the beauty of the Grand Canyon as well.   

HECHO: Could you complete the following sentence: Protecting the Grand Canyon watershed from uranium mining is personal to me because...  

TH: Protecting the Grand Canyon watershed from uranium mining is personal to me because it is just something in my backyard and it's where I want to go visit and know that people living there can just be healthy and not be harmed by the toxins that they can come in contact with.  

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